now on Buy Me A Coffee

You may have noticed a new link on my shop, blog and deviantArt sites.  After some thought I have decided to set up a Buy Me A Coffee account. Honestly, I debated whether or not I would even write this blog post to announce it but I see this post for those new to my blog and not necessarily regular readers.

For a long time I figured this wasn’t right for me. I felt it was more for very well-known/professional artists; however, with the popularity of vehicles such as Patreon for subsidising artists I felt like I would give it a shot. Perhaps someone doesn’t necessarily buy handmade cards but still likes what I do enough to encourage me to continue.

I had considered Patreon but due to work and other obligations there is just no way I can guarantee perks at this point in time.

Fellow crafters, especially those who also participate in craft fairs, understand all the costs that add up. Table fees alone can make one think twice about applying.

So what are your thoughts? Have you also thought about this? Are you already doing it? If you are on Patreon, what do you offer as perks? I’d love to hear everything!

click here to support A Bit Of Glue & Paper


  1. I think it’s a great idea! Buying handmade is win-win situation : You enrich your life with beautiful handmade goods, and you enable an artist to continue following their creative dreams. Can I buy you a coffee?❤️

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